More than 100 - mainly Greek- bloggers take part in a voting for their favourite films of the decade (organised by seagazing). Today's post is my top-20 list, the first of a series of posts about the first decade of the 21st century and, also, for the year 2009.
In my opinion the zeros was a great decade for cinema! It is interesting to note that six out of the twenty movies in the list are the director's debut films. Looking for more in the future! Unfortunately, many fantastic films were left out of this list (Mulholland Dr., Paradise Now, Caché, Memento, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Hero, No Country for Old Men, In the Mood for Love etc.)
20. House of Sand and Fog - Vadim Perelman (2003)
Some dreams can't be shared. A gripping, honest and powerful drama! Great debut by the Ukrainian director!
IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes
19. Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter ...and Spring - Ki-duk Kim (2003)
This is more than a simple movie. A poetic piece of art by the amazing Korean minimalist. 3 Iron (2004) could easily be in this list!
IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes
18. Persepolis - Vincent Paronnaud/Marjane Satrapi (2007)
I agree that Pixar makes very nice animations. However, the best, most thought-provoking animations of the zeros were Persepolis and Waltz with Bashir (2008). Persepolis is a brilliant animated movie based on the Marjane Strapi's black and white comic.
IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes
17. Das Leben der Ander (The Lives of Others) - Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck (2006)
Sonata for a good man! A stunning debut from Germany!
IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes
16. The Wind That Shakes the Barley - Ken Loach (2006)
Ken Loach is the most honest director around. I love his films. This one shows how a political movie should be made. A must-see for people in my country, Cyprus (Greek-Cypriots and Turkish-Cypriots).
IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes
15. Cidade de Deus (City of God) - Fernando Meirelles/Kátia Lund(2002)
Breathtaking and terrifying! The masterpiece that introduced Fernando Meirelles to the rest of the world.
IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes
14. There will be blood - Paul Thomas Anderson (2007)
An epic movie about the underhanded "heroes" of capitalism. Daniel Day Lewis gives the best performance of the zeros, in my opinion (together with Bruno Ganz in The Downfall)
IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes
13. Hable con ella (Talk to Her) - Pedro Almodóvar (2002)
Pedro Almodovar's best movie.
IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes
12. Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain - Jean-Pierre Jeunet (2001)
Together with Little Miss Sunshine (2006), the best "feel-good" films of the decade! Outstanding music by Yann Tiersen!
IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes
11. Dead Man's Shoes - Shane Meadows (2004)
An amazing film about a man struggling to balance his desire for revenge and redemption. Stunning performance by Paddy Considine and direction by Shane Meadows (also great: This is England).
A Room to Breath In, IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes
10. Gegen die Wand (Head-on) - Fatih Akin (2004)
A raw, provocative drama about star-crossed love and the lives of immigrants caught between the traditional and modern. Fatih Akin is one of the most talented directors!
A Room to Breath In, IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes
9. Les invasions barbares (The Barbarian Invasions) - Denys Arcand (2003)
The occasion is death, but the movie is a joyous celebration of life!
A Room to Breath In, IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes
8. The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada - Tommy Lee Jones (2005)
Nobody is beyond redemption! Using Guillermo Arriaga's brilliant script, Tommy Lee Jones directed his first film, the best modern-day western of the decade. A tale of friendship, justice and redemption!
A Room to Breath In, IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes
7. Gran Torino - Clint Eastwood (2008)
A masterful piece of storytelling and a film which will rightly be regarded as a classic. Eastwood is on staggering form as an actor and equally inspiring as a director. Mystic River (2003) and A Million Dollar Baby (2004) could easily be in this list!
IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes
6. Vozvrashcheniye (The Return) - Andrei Zvyagintsev (2003)
One of the greatest surprises of the decade. A brilliant debut: breathtaking, emotional and disturbing. A quiet and disquieting masterpiece which gets under your skin and stays there long after you watch it!
A Room to Breath In, IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes
5. Låt den rätte komma in (Let the Right One In) - Tomas Alfredson (2008)
One of the most layered, atmospheric and textured movies of the decade. A dark poem! Beautiful to gaze at, achingly romantic, emotionally involving, unexpectedly terrifying.
A Room to Breath In, IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes
4. Amores Perros - Alejandro González Iñárritu (2000)
Alejandro González Iñárritu's debut was the first part of the best trilogy of the zeros (together with the great 21 Grams and Babel). A film that shows a deep understanding of people, stunningly made, raw and authentic!
IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes
3. El laberinto del fauno (Pan's Labyrinth) - Guillermo del Toro (2006)
"Pan's Labyrinth is Alice in Wonderland for grown-ups", the greatest dark fairy tale I've seen in my life! A pure masterpiece!
IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes
2. Requiem for a Dream - Darren Aronofsky (2000)
If you can't move your legs after the end of a film, that means you liked it! A shocking and one the most powerful films I have ever seen. Clint Mansell's score and Darren Aronofsky's brilliant direction haunted me for years! It could as well be at number one with Aronofsky's The Fountain (2006) and The Wrestler (2008) also capable to make this list!
IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes
1. Oldboy - Chan-wook Park (2003)
"Be it a rock or a grain of sand, in water they sink as the same". This phrase was at the title of this blog for a while. Together with no.2, the best films of the decade and, definitely, in my top movies of all time! A dark and thrillingly horrible tale of revenge; a flawless movie with amazing direction, acting and music!
A Room to Breath In, IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes
Adolf Plays the Jazz - Dirty Waters
Adolf Plays the Jazz is a Greek post rock band formed in Athens in the year of 2002. They started creating music for soundtracks of films their friends made. All their music can be downloaded for free from their homepage. Their music combines the art-rock of the 70's (head music) with todays post rock feeling (heart music) through a punk lo-fi - attitude. The terms post-rock and shoegaze might be the most appropriate to describe their music, but Adolf plays the jazz are influenced by everything they listen to, read or see… "Dirty Waters" is their most recent album, released a few days ago and, of course, is available for free download. Great album!
Artist: Adolf Plays the Jazz
Album: Dirty Waters
Year: 2009
Genre: post-rock, instrumental, experimental, shoegaze
1. Dirty Water
2. Ad Funk
3. False Trail
4. Matter of Fact
5. Mos[cow]
6. Black Flags
7. Lush
8. Ungdomshuset
9. No Return
10. Trap
11. Drive
Official Website (download all the albums from here)
Listen/Download for free:
adolf plays the jazz,
2econd Class Citizen - A World Without
Drawing from his palette of all things psychedelic, prog-rock, folk and traditional-song related, mixed with modern techniques of sampling and sequencing, 2econd Class Citizen aka Aaron Thomason creates music which transcends a multitude of genres to distil a wholly immersive experience. The young man from London, England, makes music that he simply calls “Wyred Folk”: a hybrid of electronically produced folk combined with instrumental Hip Hop. Swinging between melancholy and pure anger, strong guitar riffs mined from old psych rock records and the weeping voices lifted from old folk music, he seems to find his real home in a crate of old and dusty vinyl. his is his full-length debut! Awesome!
Artist: 2econd Class Citizen
Album: A World Without
Year: 2009
Genre: folk, hip-hop, downtempo, trip-hop, electronica
1. Step Inside
2. One By One (feat. Ceschi)
3. A New Day
4. Wait For Me
5. On Emptyness
6. Our Lady Of Solitude (feat. Reindeer)
7. The Day You're Lost Or Found
8. Listen The Night (feat. Reindeer)
9. From Where I Belong
10. A World Without
Official Website
Buy from here.
Check the comments to listen first.
Artist: 2econd Class Citizen
Album: A World Without
Year: 2009
Genre: folk, hip-hop, downtempo, trip-hop, electronica
1. Step Inside
2. One By One (feat. Ceschi)
3. A New Day
4. Wait For Me
5. On Emptyness
6. Our Lady Of Solitude (feat. Reindeer)
7. The Day You're Lost Or Found
8. Listen The Night (feat. Reindeer)
9. From Where I Belong
10. A World Without
Official Website
Buy from here.
Check the comments to listen first.
2econd class citizen,
pg.lost - In Never Out
pg.lost is a four-piece post-rock band from Norrköping, Sweden, formed in 2004. They have released three studio records - a debut EP Yes I Am EP in 2007, and their first full-length record called "It’s Not Me, It’s You!" in 2008. "In never out" is their second full-length album and will be released 11th December 2009. Amazing album, post-rock music at its best; a must-have for those who like Explosions in the Sky, Mono etc. Highly recommended!
Artist: pg.lost
Album: In Never Out
Year: 2009
Genre: post-rock, instrumental
1. Prahanien
2. Jura
3. Heart of Hearts
4. Still Alright
5. Crystalline
6. Gomez
Official Website
Buy from Black Star Foundation (released Dec 11).
Check the comments to listen first.
Side Liner - Crying Cities
Side Liner began as a project in 2004 by Nick Miamis in Athens, Greece, to explore the emotional side of music and give shape to the events of the day. His music is best noted for the continuous flow of thought it creates, often visually stimulating and evocative of a particular mood — without the jarring interruptions of so much of today’s electronic and chillout music. Crying Cities was released in January 2009. Excellent electronic/chillout/ambient music. Recommended!
Artist: Side Liner
Album: Crying Cities
Year: 2009
Genre: electronica, chillout, ambient
1. Crying Cities
2. Highway Dreams
3. Old Neighborhood
4. Dead End
5. Camera Obscura
6. Violet Room (Remix for Zero Cult)
7. Tall Stories (Remix for D.Batistatos)
8. 2222 (Prostranstvo 2008 Edit)
9. Urban Haze
10. Crying Cities Remix (Cydelix's Ambient Version)
Please support this artist. Buy from Cosmicleaf records.
Check the comments to listen first.
Artist: Side Liner
Album: Crying Cities
Year: 2009
Genre: electronica, chillout, ambient
1. Crying Cities
2. Highway Dreams
3. Old Neighborhood
4. Dead End
5. Camera Obscura
6. Violet Room (Remix for Zero Cult)
7. Tall Stories (Remix for D.Batistatos)
8. 2222 (Prostranstvo 2008 Edit)
9. Urban Haze
10. Crying Cities Remix (Cydelix's Ambient Version)
Please support this artist. Buy from Cosmicleaf records.
Check the comments to listen first.
The Ansion - That Is The Way Of Things
The Ansion is the latest musical project from Scottish guitarist Jon Innes. His music blends programmed beats and live instrumentation to create a fresh organic feel. This is The Ansion's debut album, released in 2007, in which elements of danceable percussion and contemplative moments are mixed with complex instrumentation to create a body of work that will appeal to many musical tastes. Excellent electronica! Recommended!
Artist: The Ansion
Album: That Is The Way Of Things
Year: 2007
Genre: electronica, ambient
1. Introduction Part B
2. Alex Lovell Is My Terminator
3. The Way You Always Fall Asleep Before I Do
4. Die, You Big Fuck Off Spider, Die
5. Her Resistance to the Mind Probe Is Considerable
6. I’m Afraid Of You, What Are You Afraid Of?
7. Three-two-seven
8. Frogs and Rabbits
9. You Are Nothing More Than a Chemical Reaction Inside My Head
10. 10/07/2005
Official Website
Go here to buy!
Check the comments to listen first.
Artist: The Ansion
Album: That Is The Way Of Things
Year: 2007
Genre: electronica, ambient
1. Introduction Part B
2. Alex Lovell Is My Terminator
3. The Way You Always Fall Asleep Before I Do
4. Die, You Big Fuck Off Spider, Die
5. Her Resistance to the Mind Probe Is Considerable
6. I’m Afraid Of You, What Are You Afraid Of?
7. Three-two-seven
8. Frogs and Rabbits
9. You Are Nothing More Than a Chemical Reaction Inside My Head
10. 10/07/2005
Official Website
Go here to buy!
Check the comments to listen first.
eaststrikewest - w o l v v e s
eaststrikewest are a 6-piece band from Essex, UK. This is their debut album, released last month. A record that is a remarkable 35 minutes of progressive and stunning combination of indie, post-rock and shoegaze. Epic and cinematic in feel, w o l v v e s rewards the listener with its expansive soundscapes and ethereal melodies. Highly recommended!
Artist: eaststrikewest
Album: w o l v v e s
Year: 2009
Genre: post-rock, indie, progressive, shoegaze
1. God Can’t Take His Eyes Off Me
2. Stumble
3. Welcoming The Ghosts
4. Chu!
5. The Architect
6. Every Word and Whisper Said
7. Electricity
8. From Here You Can See Everything
Buy from Thirty Days of Night records.
Check the comments to listen first.
Artist: eaststrikewest
Album: w o l v v e s
Year: 2009
Genre: post-rock, indie, progressive, shoegaze
1. God Can’t Take His Eyes Off Me
2. Stumble
3. Welcoming The Ghosts
4. Chu!
5. The Architect
6. Every Word and Whisper Said
7. Electricity
8. From Here You Can See Everything
Buy from Thirty Days of Night records.
Check the comments to listen first.
The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble - Here Be Dragons
The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble (TKDE) formed in 2000 as a project to compose new music for existing silent movies. Jason Köhnen and Gideon Kiers, both graduates of the Utrecht School of Arts. In 2004, British trombonist Hilary Jeffery and Swiss cellist Nina Hitz joined TKDE to record the amazing self-titled debut album which was released on Planet Mu Records in May 2006. The ensuing tour saw Eelco Bosman and Paris based vocalist Charlotte Cegarra join, forming the Ensemble into a sextet. London based violinist Sadie Anderson joined in 2008 to supply the group with extra power on stage. Their music cannot really be placed in one genre. They combine traditional instruments with some electronics and improvisation; the result is a fusion of jazz, dark-jazz, classical and experimental music. This is their most recent album. Awesome!
Artist: The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble
Album: Here Be Dragons
Year: 2009
Genre: dark-jazz, experimental, jazz
1. Lead Squid
2. Caravan!
3. Embers
4. Sirocco
5. Mists of Krakatoa
6. Sharbath Gula
7. Samhain Labs
8. Seneca
9. The MacGuffin
Official Website
Buy from here.
Check the comments to listen first.
Andrew J & Kaltenecker - Melodies
An interesting project of two young and gifted musicians: piano player Zsolt Kaltenecker and turntablist Andrew J - both from Budapest, Hungary. Their music combines elements from jazz, chillout, nu-jazz and downtempo. Excellent album!
Artist: Andrew J & Kaltenecker
Album: Melodies
Year: 2002
Genre: nu-jazz, electronica, downtempo
1. Melodies
2. Inch
3. Fresh
4. Come On
5. Rock On Part 1
6. Rock On Part 2
7. The Thief
8. Funqui Beet
9. At First Sight
10. Metamorph
11. Interlude
12. Melodies Reprise
Zsolt Kaltenecker's MySpace
Zsolt Kaltenecker's official website
Check the comments to listen before you buy.
Artist: Andrew J & Kaltenecker
Album: Melodies
Year: 2002
Genre: nu-jazz, electronica, downtempo
1. Melodies
2. Inch
3. Fresh
4. Come On
5. Rock On Part 1
6. Rock On Part 2
7. The Thief
8. Funqui Beet
9. At First Sight
10. Metamorph
11. Interlude
12. Melodies Reprise
Zsolt Kaltenecker's MySpace
Zsolt Kaltenecker's official website
Check the comments to listen before you buy.
andrew j,
Arms and Sleepers - Matador
Arms and Sleepers are an American duo, comprised of Max Lewis and Mirza Ramic, formed in 2006. They have produced a handful of albums and EPs. Matador is their second full-length album, released a few days ago in Japan, today in the US and in a few days in the EU. A beautiful album, excellent combination of electronica, trip-hop, ambient and indie. Highly recommended!
Artist: Arms and Sleepers
Album: Matador
Year: 2009
Genre: electronica, ambient, indie, trip-hop
1. Orly
2. Matador
3. The Architekt
4. Twentynine Palms
5. Helvetica
6. The International
7. Simone
8. Kino
9. Words Are For Sleeping
10. The Paramour
Please support this band. Buy from their shop (Big Cartel).
Check the comments to listen first.
Artist: Arms and Sleepers
Album: Matador
Year: 2009
Genre: electronica, ambient, indie, trip-hop
1. Orly
2. Matador
3. The Architekt
4. Twentynine Palms
5. Helvetica
6. The International
7. Simone
8. Kino
9. Words Are For Sleeping
10. The Paramour
Please support this band. Buy from their shop (Big Cartel).
Check the comments to listen first.
arms and sleepers,
Miaou - Make These Things Alright
Miaou are a Japanese post-rock band, formed in 1999 by Tatsuki Hamasaki and sisters Mayumi and Hiromi Hasegawa. Their music is a tuneful, dreamy version of instrumental rock. This is their second full length album, released in 2005. Really good!
Artist: Miaou
Album: Make These Things Alright
Year: 2005
Genre: post-rock, instrumental
1. Intro
2. Future Pavilion
3. A Bird in the Hand
4. Silent Picture
5. Tiger Note
6. Dante
7. On a Sunday
8. When Will You Come Home?
9. Lasa
Official Website
Check the comments to listen before you buy.
Artist: Miaou
Album: Make These Things Alright
Year: 2005
Genre: post-rock, instrumental
1. Intro
2. Future Pavilion
3. A Bird in the Hand
4. Silent Picture
5. Tiger Note
6. Dante
7. On a Sunday
8. When Will You Come Home?
9. Lasa
Official Website
Check the comments to listen before you buy.
Lights Out Asia - Eyes Like Brontide
Lights Out Asia is an excellent American downtempo/post-rock band. I have already posted their debut album, "Garmonia". This one is their third full-length album, released in 2008, while they are currently preparing their fourth album, expected in 2010. Really beautiful blend of electro, shoegaze and post-rock. Highly recommended!
Artist: Lights Out Asia
Album: Eyes Like Brontide
Year: 2008
Genre: post-rock, shoegaze, electronica, downtempo
Similar: Lights Out Asia - Garmonia
1. A Day Towards Other Days
2. Radars Over the Ghosts of Chernobyl
3. X-33
4. Psiu! Puxa!
5. The Wrong Message Could End You
6. MIR
7. If I Die, I Wish You a Horrible Death
8. Six Points of Fire
Official Website
Buy from n5MD records.
Check the comments to listen first.
Artist: Lights Out Asia
Album: Eyes Like Brontide
Year: 2008
Genre: post-rock, shoegaze, electronica, downtempo
Similar: Lights Out Asia - Garmonia
1. A Day Towards Other Days
2. Radars Over the Ghosts of Chernobyl
3. X-33
4. Psiu! Puxa!
5. The Wrong Message Could End You
6. MIR
7. If I Die, I Wish You a Horrible Death
8. Six Points of Fire
Official Website
Buy from n5MD records.
Check the comments to listen first.
lights out asia,
Les invasions barbares (2003)
Les Invasions barbares (The barbarian invasions) is a 2003 Canadian film directed by Denys Arcand. It is the sequel to Arcand's earlier film The Decline of the American Empire (1986) and is followed by Days of Darkness (2007). I haven't watched the other parts of the trilogy but this is a fantastic film. The plot revolves around Rémy's battle with terminal cancer and the efforts of Sébastien, his estranged son, to make his dying father more comfortable in his last days.
The film deals with the disillusionment with socialism, the disillusionment with capitalism as well as the death of a man who happened to have been a socialist professor in Montreal, while his son a millionaire. A political film, but also a film about friendship, love, life and death. The screenplay, acting and directing are all top-notch. It is at times funny, sad, tragic and thought-provoking. The dialogues are absolutely brilliant!
A wonderful movie! A must-see for everyone!
More info:
Rotten Tomatoes
Trailer (hate it, very Hollywood-like; there is a french one here)
The film deals with the disillusionment with socialism, the disillusionment with capitalism as well as the death of a man who happened to have been a socialist professor in Montreal, while his son a millionaire. A political film, but also a film about friendship, love, life and death. The screenplay, acting and directing are all top-notch. It is at times funny, sad, tragic and thought-provoking. The dialogues are absolutely brilliant!
A wonderful movie! A must-see for everyone!
More info:
Rotten Tomatoes
Trailer (hate it, very Hollywood-like; there is a french one here)
World’s End Girlfriend - Air Doll (空気人形)
World’s End Girlfriend (ワールズ・エンド・ガールフレンド) is Katsuhiko Maeda, a musical genius from Nagasaki but based in Tokyo, Japan. His music cannot be placed in one genre since it is a fusion of electronica, post-rock, ambient and experimental. Really unique style! This is his latest album, a soundtrack he wrote for the 2009 Japanese film "Air Doll" (空気人形), directed by Hirokazu Koreeda. I haven't seen the film, but the music is simply stunning! A must!
Artist: World's End Girlfriend (ワールズ・エンド・ガールフレンド)
Album: Air Doll (空気人形)
Year: 2009
Genre: ambient, post-rock, instrumental, electronica
1. 風と共に目覚め
2. 誕生の日に
3. 叶えられた祈り
4. 傘は
5. 空洞の坂に
6. 光を映す影
7. 交差する
8. 冒険の彩り
9. 追憶の記録
10. 道
11. 誕生会の夢
12. 点在について
13. 雨に唄わず
14. 少し早足になって
15. 水の中へ
16. 百年の窒息
17. 夜は問い
18. いくつかの答え
19. 再来の風
20. 呼吸
21. 水の線路 (詩:吉野弘「生命は」より / 朗読:ペ・ドゥナ )
Official Website
Buy from White Noise Records.
Check the comments to listen first.
Artist: World's End Girlfriend (ワールズ・エンド・ガールフレンド)
Album: Air Doll (空気人形)
Year: 2009
Genre: ambient, post-rock, instrumental, electronica
1. 風と共に目覚め
2. 誕生の日に
3. 叶えられた祈り
4. 傘は
5. 空洞の坂に
6. 光を映す影
7. 交差する
8. 冒険の彩り
9. 追憶の記録
10. 道
11. 誕生会の夢
12. 点在について
13. 雨に唄わず
14. 少し早足になって
15. 水の中へ
16. 百年の窒息
17. 夜は問い
18. いくつかの答え
19. 再来の風
20. 呼吸
21. 水の線路 (詩:吉野弘「生命は」より / 朗読:ペ・ドゥナ )
Official Website
Buy from White Noise Records.
Check the comments to listen first.
worlds end girlfriend
The Last Farm
The Last Farm (Síðasti bærinn) is a 2005 Icelandic short film. It was directed by Rúnar Rúnarsson, and stars Icelandic actor Jón Sigurbjörnsson. Kjartan Sveinsson, the keyboardist for Sigur Rós, composed the music. Excellent!
Official Website
Check the comments to listen to the soundtrack.
Official Website
Check the comments to listen to the soundtrack.
People for Audio - And this will be our homecoming
People for Audio are an instrumental band from Montreal, Canada. They play piano-based post-rock with a fusion of jazz, indie and electronica. Not easy to categorise at all! This is their debut album, released in 2005. Really good!
Artist: People for Audio
Artist: And this will be our homecoming
Year: 2005
Genre: post-rock, instrumental, indie
1. To new beginnings
2. Sidewalks and skylines
3. Red skied morning
4. If not now
5. Conversation in a minor tone
6. And this will be our homecoming
Please support this band. Buy from Storyboard label.
Check the comments to listen first.
Artist: People for Audio
Artist: And this will be our homecoming
Year: 2005
Genre: post-rock, instrumental, indie
1. To new beginnings
2. Sidewalks and skylines
3. Red skied morning
4. If not now
5. Conversation in a minor tone
6. And this will be our homecoming
Please support this band. Buy from Storyboard label.
Check the comments to listen first.
people for audio,
Walled Horizons
Twenty years since the Berlin Wall came down, there are many places in the world where walls and barriers are still standing (excellent report by the BBC).
Today's post is a short film/documentary about the shameful wall built by the Israeli government at the West Bank, which created a huge prison in Gaza. Walled Horizons is narrated by and features Roger Waters, who visits the Wall in the Palestinian territories and comments on his observations as a musician and a songwriter who has written on walls. The film explores how Palestinians in urban and rural areas have been impacted by the Walls construction since the International Court of Justices Advisory Opinion in 2004, which declared the Wall's route in the West Bank illegal. Several senior Israeli security officials are interviewed in the film, two of whom were directly responsible for planning the Wall route and who explain the Israeli position for constructing it. The film was made by the United Nations Jerusalem.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Today's post is a short film/documentary about the shameful wall built by the Israeli government at the West Bank, which created a huge prison in Gaza. Walled Horizons is narrated by and features Roger Waters, who visits the Wall in the Palestinian territories and comments on his observations as a musician and a songwriter who has written on walls. The film explores how Palestinians in urban and rural areas have been impacted by the Walls construction since the International Court of Justices Advisory Opinion in 2004, which declared the Wall's route in the West Bank illegal. Several senior Israeli security officials are interviewed in the film, two of whom were directly responsible for planning the Wall route and who explain the Israeli position for constructing it. The film was made by the United Nations Jerusalem.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Zerova - I think we 've lost
Zerova are Polish experimental music band, formed in 2004 in Bialystok. Their music combines soft electronic sounds with a variety of traditional instruments, clearly influenced by the icelandic scene. Calm, cold, sad but beautiful! Recommended!
Artist: Zerova
Album: I think we 've lost
Year: 2009
Genre: ambient, post-rock, electronica
1. Fukka’jo
2. Drift
3. 333
4. Unnamed place
5. Hide away
6. Somebody read my poem
7. Today I’ve passed the barn
8. You won’t
9. Water house
10. Crickets
Herb recordings (great label, buy from here)
Check the comments to listen before you buy.
Artist: Zerova
Album: I think we 've lost
Year: 2009
Genre: ambient, post-rock, electronica
1. Fukka’jo
2. Drift
3. 333
4. Unnamed place
5. Hide away
6. Somebody read my poem
7. Today I’ve passed the barn
8. You won’t
9. Water house
10. Crickets
Herb recordings (great label, buy from here)
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The Zephyrs - When the Sky Comes Down It Comes Down on Your Head
The Zephyrs are Scottish brothers Stuart and David Nicol along with Gordon Kilgour. They make shoegaze and psychadelic infuenced melancholic rock music with obvious influences by bands like Slowdive and Low and some post-rock influences as well. They have released four full-length albums so far. This is their second album released in 2001. Excellent!
Artist: The Zephyrs
Album: When the Sky Comes Down It Comes Down on Your Head
Year: 2001
Genre: shoegaze, post-rock, indie
1. The Buildings Aren't Going Anywhere
2. Modern Beats
3. Mount Misery
4. Setting Sun
5. The Green Tree
6. Paint Your House
7. Murder Of A Small Man
8. Stargazer
9. Ballad Of The Green Tree
Official Website
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Metavari - Be One of Us and Hear No Noise
Metavari are an American instrumental rock-trio from Indiana, formed in the winter of 2006. The contrast of digital elements, like laptop programming and synth processing, along side organic rock arrangements and vintage equipment create beautiful multi-layered compositions. Visualizations and archived footage are edited along side each arrangement and videos are projected live. In 2008, they self-released their first EP ("Ambling"). This is their debut full-length album, released earlier this year by Crossroads of America Records. Excellent compination of post-rock, ambient and electronica. Recommended!
Artist: Metavari
Album: Be One of Us and Hear No Noise
Year: 2009
Genre: post-rock, instrumental, ambient, electronica
1. Kings Die Like Other Men
2. Shimmer Marina
3. Twilight Over Akaishi
4. The Priest, The Shore, And The Wait
5. Be One Of Us And Hear No Noise
6. Io, Apollo, And The Veil
7. Cerulean
8. Maedchen
9. Story For A Song Without End
10. Pacific Lights
Official Website
Buy from Crossroads of America Records.
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Artist: Metavari
Album: Be One of Us and Hear No Noise
Year: 2009
Genre: post-rock, instrumental, ambient, electronica
1. Kings Die Like Other Men
2. Shimmer Marina
3. Twilight Over Akaishi
4. The Priest, The Shore, And The Wait
5. Be One Of Us And Hear No Noise
6. Io, Apollo, And The Veil
7. Cerulean
8. Maedchen
9. Story For A Song Without End
10. Pacific Lights
Official Website
Buy from Crossroads of America Records.
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Underground (1995)
Emir Kusturica is a brilliant director and Underground is probably the best movie to represent his cinematography. It is based on a play by Dušan Kovačević. The film follows three characters through Yugoslavia's history, from World War II to the Cold War and finally the Yugoslav wars. It uses the epic story of two friends to symbolically depict and satirise the history of Yugoslavia since the Second World War.
In my opinion, the film is flawless! A mixture of black comedy with tragedy, Underground can really touch you deeply. It displays clearly the tragedy of war and the vanity of human nature. Don't get discouraged if you are not familiar with Balkan history. People are all alike; you'll recognise the patterns easily.
Finally, the music is great. Goran Bregović wrote on of his best soundtracks! Some songs, such as "Mesecina" and "Kalasnjikov", are already classic!
A moving requiem for a dying country. A cult film that will probably mark the history of cinema forever…
More info:
Rotten Tomatoes
In my opinion, the film is flawless! A mixture of black comedy with tragedy, Underground can really touch you deeply. It displays clearly the tragedy of war and the vanity of human nature. Don't get discouraged if you are not familiar with Balkan history. People are all alike; you'll recognise the patterns easily.
Finally, the music is great. Goran Bregović wrote on of his best soundtracks! Some songs, such as "Mesecina" and "Kalasnjikov", are already classic!
A moving requiem for a dying country. A cult film that will probably mark the history of cinema forever…
More info:
Rotten Tomatoes
Catherine A.D. - The Bedroom Sessions

Artist: Catherine A.D.
Album: The Bedroom Sessions
Year: 2009
Genre: dark, melancholic, indie
1. Long Year
2. Missiveh
3. Crave
4. Grow Out
5. Black Eyed Dog (Nick Drake cover)
6. The Heart is a Lonesome Hunter
7. Ripe
8. The Congregation
9. Bury Me
10. Instrumental #21
Official Website
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Soap&Skin - Lovetune for Vacuum

Artist: Soap&Skin
Album: Lovetune for Vacuum
Year: 2009
Genre: piano, dark, melancholic, experimental
1. Sleep
2. Cry Wolf
3. Thanatos
4. Extinguish Me
5. Turbine Womb
6. Cynthia
7. Fall Foliage
8. Spiracle
9. Mr. Gaunt PT 1000
10. Marche Funèbre
11. The Sun
13. Brother Of Sleep
Official Website (buy from here)
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The Weak Men - The Weak Men (Deer album)

Artist: The Weka Men
Album: The Weak Men (Deer album)
Year: 2006
Genre: post-rock, instrumental
1. Concerto in E Minor for Piano, Violin and Guitar (A Waltz)
2. Song for Carl Malone
3. Core
4. Then But Now
5. Please Breathe
Official Website (buy from here)
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